In-Person Sessions Available for Blue Springs Missouri & Surrounding Areas

Telebehavioral Health Sessions for Adults in Kansas & Missouri.

3 Keys to a Successful Counseling Experience

I want your counseling/therapy experience to be best for you. I believe the keys to your success lie in 3 essential elements—Courage, Compassion, and Confidence. I think you already possess these 3 components, and my aim as a therapist is to help you grow stronger in each of them to reach your goals.

I want to explain why I believe you have these qualities and how they can contribute to your successful Counseling/Therapy experience.

Courage – You’ve shown courage by beginning a search for a therapist. It is a courageous act to schedule an appointment. Courage builds when we do courageous acts and will continue as the therapeutic relationship develops. Courage allows you to risk being vulnerable with your therapist at YOUR pace.

Compassion – Some of us are great at self-compassion and critical of others. Often, clients are uber-patient and overly generous with others but “speak” to themselves in highly scornful and demeaning words. Words they would never say to another person. Therapy helps clients acquire a realistic balance of self-compassion and empathy for the people in their world.

Confidence – Most of us are confident in our ability to do some things but terrified of others. You likely come into Therapy with an idea of what you want to gain from the experience. This experience will also improve your confidence in multiple areas. As confidence grows, your goals will also come closer to your grasp. As you become confident in yourself, those goals change. That’s okay. It isn’t unusual to learn that what we thought we wanted wasn’t what we needed.

I can offer you excellent counseling and therapy. If you’re ready to get started and believe I am someone you would be comfortable with, please click the “Contact Me” or “Request an Appointment” button at the bottom of any page of my website. Let’s work together to achieve your goals.

If you're ready to...

• Start enjoying life again

• Achieve your goals

• And live authentically

…Then let’s chat!