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Some people refer to me as the “calm within their storm.” My role is to help my clients overcome challenges that steal their joy. I strive to help them change unhealthy beliefs or reactions that make managing life difficult. I do this by being a calm, steady, and encouraging presence that invites healing through respect and compassion without judgment.

Specialized Areas

  • Treatment of Trauma
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)
  • Abuse (Emotional, Physical, Sexual & Neglect)
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Depression – Mood Disorders
  • Stress Management
  • Relationship Conflict & Stress
  • Emotional Overwhelm
  • Professional Burnout
  • Integration of Christianity in Therapy

Populations Served

  • Adults of all ages
  • Young Adults 20-26
  • Teens age 16-19
  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Military: Active Duty, Guard, Reservist, Veteran, Retiree
  • First Responders: Police Officers, Firefighters, Emergency Medical Responders (EMR, EMT, ED Nurses, ER Physicians and 911 Operators)

Christian Counseling

I offer the integration of Christianity in therapy for my clients who request it. The counseling space is a place of non-judgmental acceptance where we can openly discuss and question life’s challenges from a Christian belief and value system.

Not everyone shares my worldview, and that is okay. For my Practice, faith-based Christian Counseling is voluntary. I make no presumptions or assumptions about the faith, values, and beliefs of my clients who do not request it.

I am a lay person who has experienced my challenges before and after becoming a follower of Jesus Christ as a young adult. It is not my purpose as a therapist to evangelize or proselytize. I desire to respond to the invitation when a client initiates the subject.


Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful psycho-therapeutic approach that helps lessen, even eliminate, the painful mental and physical responses raised by the memory of traumatic events and seeks to create new, healthier patterns in your brain.

In EMDR, we work with you through eight critical phases to safely identify the distressing memory or memories and those situations that bring emotional and physical suffering, desensitize your body and brain to harmful responses, and aim for rapid and positive therapeutic change. We teach you techniques to manage stress independently and enable optimal therapy.

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy

I can best describe Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) as a model for healing issues associated with trauma and unhealthy attachment experiences. It relies on the gentle collaboration between client and therapist. Unlike therapies that focus on the influence of cognitive thoughts on core beliefs and behaviors, SP utilizes the uniqueness of the whole person in the healing process. 

SP is a helpful methodology for treating issues related to Trauma and Attachment, like:

*Anxiety *Emotionally intense reactions *Post-traumatic Stress symptoms *Hopelessness *Feeling disconnected from self and the world *Difficulty enjoying life *Relationship wounds * Abandonment or separation between primary caregiver and child *Problems keeping jobs, friendships, relationships *Negative beliefs about ability to be successful

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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