Your first appointment sets the foundation for our work together. Your fees for the most commonly used session descriptions are:
- First Appointment – $170. You should plan for 60 minutes in this initial session.
- Follow-up Appointments – $130. Typically, these are 50-minute sessions.
Fees are adjusted for shorter or longer lengths and the number of people included in the session. Please ask for specific pricing when you schedule your appointment,
Payment Options
I accept payment in cash, check, all major debit and credit cards, HSA (Health Savings Account) cards, Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards, and Health Reimbursement Account cards.
Payment for session fees will be requested at the beginning of each session. When you pay by any method other than cash or check, I will generate the charge using Stripe. Stripe is an online service integrated into the Electronic Medical Record platform I have chosen (Simple Practice). Your card information is stored in your record in my database. Both provide personal health information (PHI) security compliant with federal privacy laws under HIPAA.
You may know that all credit card processing services charge a transaction fee to merchants. (For example, Stripe’s fee for processing a $130 charge is currently $4.40.) Unlike some merchants, I absorb this charge and do not add it to your session fee.
What to Expect
Our first 2 to 4 sessions will involve an evaluation of your needs and desired outcomes. Evaluation generally consists of discussing what prompted you to schedule an appointment, reviewing past events that may contribute to your situation, and exploring your goals. When evaluations are completed, we will consider the focus of sessions and the methodology or technique(s) used during future sessions.
The frequency and length of therapy sessions vary by client and condition. A typical treatment plan includes weekly 45-minute sessions.
Cancellation Policy
If you cannot attend a session, please cancel at least 24 hours before your scheduled time. Otherwise, you may be charged the total rate for the session. Please be aware that Health Savings, Flex Spending, or Health Reimbursement cards do not accept charges for missed appointments.
What is the Cost of Not Getting Help?
Therapy can be an expensive investment of time and money. When considering the cost of care, a relevant but seldom asked the question is, “What is the cost of NOT going to counseling?”
Thinking of the natural connections between your mind, body, and spirit, all suffer when one is out of balance. Studies have shown that adverse life experiences do adversely affect our mental health. This often leads to physical problems. Negative, unexpressed self-beliefs and emotions can be held in our bodies and create physical pain, tension, and posture problems. The probability of accidental injuries increases with anxiety, stress, and depression. Addictions, heart attacks, and digestive problems can also accompany the symptoms of out-of-balance mental health. Unaddressed mental health issues also negatively impact the quality of personal relationships. In some cases, the ability to hold a job declines, leading to unemployment.
I Believe YOU Matter!
You begin noticing positive changes in the symptoms disrupting your life through therapy. As the mind, body, and spirit come into balance, you feel better emotionally and physically; relationships are more satisfying; you are more able to accept situations, yourself and others; emotions are managed more effectively, and joy begins to surprise you as you find your burden has started to lift.
You matter, and you are worth the time and effort invested in the work of therapy. Only you know your situation. If you are ready to begin and your financial circumstances cannot bear the expense, please get in touch with me anyway. I can direct you to an agency or other organization receiving subsidies to offer lowered fees.
Any Other Questions?
Please get in touch with me for any additional questions you may have. I look forward to hearing from you!